All lyrics by Blair Jones


Challenging Day

Blair Jones-- acoustic guitar, voice; Calloway Jones—electric guitar, bgd. vocal; Henry Jones—trombone solo, bgd. vocal; Bobby Read—drum programming, bass, horn section, bgd. vocal


Hello everybody; peace to each and everyone

I know you’ve all been running hard

Like a sprinter under the gun

You’ve got your obligations, your worries on your mind

So I just want to thank you all for giving me your time


To share this fleeting moment gives me joy beyond compare

If you could walk inside my shoes you’d feel as light as air

Let me impart to you this happiness of mine

If you’ll just loosen up a bit you’ll soon be feeling fine

Just put your worries on hold

Let me rock your soul

And let the spirit roll

Thank God for this challenging day.


Well I’m as happy as a schoolgirl on a snowy Monday morn

I’m as happy as a free-range turkey running through the corn

I’m as happy as God when an angel gets his wings

I’m as happy as an opera buff when the fat lady finally sings

I put my worries on hold

Well rock my soul

And let the spirit roll

Thank God for this challenging day.


Well I’m as happy as a toro when he throws off the gaucho

I’m so happy

I think I’m gonna have to steal a rhyme from Groucho

If I were any happier my heart wouldn’t fit in my torso

I’m so happy, no matter how happy you are, I bet I’m more so

I put my worries on hold

Well rock my soul

Let the spirit roll

Thank God for this challenging day.


Well I’m so happy I think I might spontaneously clone

I’m so happy I think they ought to declare me a “No Cry Zone”

And if I don’t dissolve into pure joy and dissipate into a cloud

I’ll try to put it into song and make my mama proud.

So put your worries on hold

Well let me rock your soul

Just let the spirit roll

Thank God for this challenging day

Just put your worries on hold

I’m gonna rock your soul

Let the spirit roll

Thank God for this challenging day.





My Newest Life

Blair - guitar, voice; Lillie Jones Harner - bgd. vocal; Andy Thacker - mandolin; Bobby Read - bass, bgd. vocal


Well I’ve grown tired of looking at briars

Now that the roses are gone

I’ve been in a cave and I’m starting to crave

The golden light of dawn

Why huddle by a hearth that’s cold and dark

When the fire’s gone completely out?

Or dip your pail half way down the well

In the middle of a ten-year drought?


When everything I need

Is gonna step up and greet me

Just as soon as I take my leave

When my spirit is ready

And keen as the edge of a knife

I’m gonna cut that cord

And start my newest life.


Well you know in your gut when you’re stuck in a rut

From listing under your load

Don’t you hate that squeal when you’re spinning your wheels

And your tires can’t grip the road?

To get off the shoulder you’ve got to be bolder

Got to jettison some of that weight

There’s a lot to learn around the next turn

Hurry up! Don’t be late!


Cause everything you need

Is gonna step up and greet you

Just as soon as you take your leave

So when your spirit is ready

And keen as the edge of a knife

It’s time to cut that cord

And start your newest life.


Well you made your plan and you bought the land

And you knew what you had to do

So you pulled the weeds and you sowed the seeds

And oh, how the garden grew

But now the rain won’t fall and you’re doubting it all

As the fields are turning brown

Just pack your plow

Move on to fertile ground


Well we’re at verse three and I can see

You’re starting to catch my drift

Cause I’ve given you a store of metaphors

And I’m down to one last riff

To find your way like the sages say

You’ve just got to follow your heart

You don’t need MapQuest or a GPS

Just jump on your dream and start


And everything you need

Is gonna step up and greet you

Just as soon as you take your leave

So when your spirit is ready

And keen as the edge of a knife

It’s time to cut that cord

And start your newest life.

Yes, you can cut that cord and start your newest life

Well praise the Lord and cut the cord

And start your newest life!


















Lowly Holy Day

(To Newby)

Blair - guitar, voice; Lillie Jones Harner - bgd. vocal; Madeline Falcone - violin; Bobby Read - clarinets, bgd. vocal


An ordinary day

No celebration

No bubbly libation

No ritual, no cake

Just you and I connecting

And recollecting

The mountains we have moved

For one another’s sake


On this lowly day,

I light a candle

In my heart’s chapel

Let it shine

It’s our high feast day

A moment spared

To drive cold winter away

On this lowly holy day


Simpatico we’re not

On every topic

We’re both a bit myopic

When frequently we debate

But you always entertain me

And don’t restrain me

You pull me in your circle

You fill my plate.


On this lowly day,

I light a candle

In my heart’s chapel

Let it shine

It’s our high feast day

A moment spared

To drive cold winter away

On this lowly holy day


Though time and space conspire

To quench that cheerful fire

When we can reunite

The room fills up with light


On this lowly day,

I light a candle

In my heart’s chapel

Let it shine

It’s our high feast day

A moment spared

To drive cold winter away

On this lowly holy day

This lowly holy day.




What Goes Forth

Blair - piano, voice; Rhonda Cooley, Zoe Cleveland and Lillie Jones Harner - bgd. vocals; Henry Jones - trombone solo; Nate Brown -  drums; Bobby Read -  electric piano, organ, bass, tenor sax, tambourine


Sunday mornin’ I’m a joyous soul

Feeling sacred, loved, and whole

The spirit fills me; I can’t hold it in


I’ve got to keep it showing (keep it showing)

Keep it flowing, (keep it flowing)

Keep it growing (keep it growing)

After we say the last “Amen.”


You’ve got to go out (go out)

You’ve got to reach out (reach out)

You’ve got to shout out (shout out)

What goes forth comes back again.


There’s a saying that is widely known:

“Fill someone’s bucket and you’ll fill your own.”

The love you give away comes back times ten.


You’ve got to keep it showing (keep it showing)

Keep it flowing, (keep it flowing)

Keep it growing (keep it growing)

After we say the last “Amen.”


You’ve got to go out (go out)

You’ve got to reach out (reach out)

You’ve got to shout out (shout out)

What goes forth comes back again.

When you see there is a job to do

It’s a blessing that has come to you

You can take this opportunity

To discover who you can be.


And every morning be a joyous soul

For you are sacred, loved, and whole

And if you want the joy that never ends

You’ve got to keep it showing (keep it showing)

Keep it flowing, (keep it flowing)

Keep it growing (keep it growing)

After we say the last “Amen.”


You’ve got to go out (go out)

You’ve got to reach out (reach out)

You’ve got to shout out (shout out)

What goes forth comes back again.


You’ve got to go out (go out)

You’ve got to reach out (reach out)

You’ve got to shout out (shout out)

What goes forth comes back again

What goes forth comes back again

What goes forth comes back again.



What’ll You Have?

Blair – acoustic guitar, voice; Andy Thacker – mandolin; Bahlmann Abbot -  pedal steel; Peyton Tochterman – bgd. vocal; Bobby Read - bass



I had a dream--or a vision-- last night. Who can tell?

I sat down at a bar called “The Old Wishing Well.”

And when I saw the bartender I could scarcely believe

I went,”Sweet Jesus Christ!” And he said, “Yes, it’s me.”


I nearly fell off the barstool, and he said with a smile,

“We haven’t seen you in here for a while,

But where you’ve been hiding don’t matter at all

We’re just glad you dropped in, ‘cause it’s almost last call.”


So what’ll you have, my friend, while we’ve still got the time?

Will it just be the usual, or something divine?

Try my special reserve and you won’t thirst again.

It’s your choice—what’ll you have, my friend?”


Well I said, “Go on, then, set me up!” and he poured me a glass

As pure as spring water, so I knocked it straight back

And I suddenly felt all my life I’d been blind

And I was seeing things clearly for the very first time.


I felt optimistic; the world seemed benign

I smiled and he chuckled, “It works every time!

Call it Love’s distillation, the Truth, or the Way,

Then he turned to my neighbor and I heard him say:


What’ll you have, my friend, while we’ve still got the time?

Will it just be the usual, or something divine?

Try my special reserve and you won’t thirst again.

It’s your choice—what’ll you have, my friend?”


Happy and sober, I walked out the door,

I’d never left a bar feeling that way before

And I woke the next morning, my heart filled with light

Wishing I’d have the same dream every night.


Then last night I returned to the Wishing Well Bar

There was standing room only so I watched from afar

Jesus called to me, “Friend, if you’re wanting a seat,

You might try the Pagoda Bar, just down the street.”


“Thank you, Jesus,” I said, “but I’ll just wait my turn;

I’m craving a glass of your special reserve.”

“Friend, the bartender there has the same recipe.

Yeah, old Buddha’s been pouring it longer than me.”


I confess I was somewhat taken aback

I said, “Why would you send him your business like that?”

Then he said, with a beautiful smile on his face,
“Nobody can corner the market on grace.”


So what’ll you have, my friend, while we’ve still got the time?

Will it just be the usual, or something divine?

Try my special reserve and you won’t thirst again.

It’s your choice—what’ll you have, my friend?

It’s your choice—what’ll you have, my friend?























Out in the Open Air

Blair - piano, voice; Bobby Read -  horn section


I like my devices

I’ve got one for my desk, my palm, my lap

I-phone, tablet, watch and Fitbit

Anything that takes an app

But I’d trade them in a jiffy

To be where reception’s always iffy

Up there where there’s no bars, no cars,

Just moon and stars

Out in the open air


My boots were made for hiking

And I’ve got a hundred happy haunts

I adore the faunand-flora

Nature never disappoints

She’s a loving mother

And she makes me happy like no other

Everywhere I turn my gaze

I’m just amazed

When I’m in the open air

I see it in your eyes

You’re thinking

You’d like to go there too

So grab your pack and head out

I doubt that mountain’s gonna come to you



Some folks love the movies

Vicarious romance is what they crave

Some folks burn the midnight oil

Gaming in a basement cave

I guess I’m claustrophobic

I gotta have a life that’s more aerobic

So I’ll see you later, gator

So long, I’m gone!

Follow me if you dare

Out into the open air.


I see it in your eyes

You’re thinking

You’d like to go there too

So grab your pack and head out

I doubt that mountain’s gonna come to you!


They’re guaranteed to send ‘ya

The mesmerizing Blue Ridge of Virginia

You don’t have a thing to lose

Except your blues

Remember not to feed the bears

And go out in the open air.






Lean Into the Wind

Blair - piano, voice; Arden Jones and Michael Grantz - bgd. vocals; Andy Thacker -  mandolin; Bobby Read accordion/fiddle, whistle, bass, percussion, bgd. vocal


I started out with the wind at my back

And I ran like a train on a downhill track

Without even trying I was going so fast

It felt just like flying but it wasn’t to last

‘Cause when I turned to finish the race

That helpful back pusher hit me right in the face

My free ride was finally through

Only one thing left to do


Lean into the wind

Lean into the wind

Don’t fight it, invite it

Like a long-lost friend

Let go and lean into the wind


I was sailing along on the lake

In my bright little sunfish

There was barely a wake

A gentle breeze blowing

I was moseying along

Catching the rays, singing a song

Then the big wind started to rise

It was all I could do not to capsize

I hiked out and held on with my toes

‘Cause every good sailor knows


You lean into the wind

Lean into the wind

Don’t fight it, invite it

Like a long-lost friend

Let go and lean into the wind


Life can be hairy, plan as you will

That’s kind of scary but it’s also a thrill

So stand at the helm and shout, “Bring it on!”

Don’t feel overwhelmed

Just sing along


Lean into the wind

Lean into the wind

Don’t fight it, invite it

Like a long-lost friend

Let go and lean into the wind

Let go and lean into the wind.









Forgive Again

Blair -  piano, voice; Davina Jackson and Henry Jones - bgd. vocals; Calloway Jones – electric guitar; Bobby Read – drum programming, bass, electric piano, organ, tambourine, bgd. vocal


You there

Nose in the air

I think I see a bee in your bonnet

Been stung

No fun

There’s a remedy if you want it

First you got to lose that hat

And tell that bee to scat

Forgive again (forgive again)

Though you can’t forget (forgive again)

Forgive again (forgive again)

No you won’t regret

You think that it just won’t die

Agree to let it lie

And give it one more try

Forgive again (forgive again)


Hey bud

Down in the mud

Looking like you’d like to get even

Been dissed

Shaking your fist

Not inclined to listen to reason

There’s a way to rise above

Just step out of the mud


Forgive again (forgive again)

Though you can’t forget (forgive again)

Forgive again (forgive again)

No you won’t regret

You think that it just won’t die

Agree to let it lie

And give it one more try

Forgive again (forgive again)


Loving your enemies

Is not supposed to be a breeze

So if at first you don’t succeed

Forgive again (forgive again)

Forgive again (forgive again)


Hey me

In the mirror I see

Pouting isn’t very becoming

Been wronged

So long

And no apology forthcoming

I’ll show that I’ve got some class

Turn away from that glass

Forgive again (forgive again)

Though you can’t forget (forgive again)

Forgive again (forgive again)

No you won’t regret—no you won’t!

You think that it just won’t die

Agree to let it lie

And give it one more try

Forgive again (forgive again)

Forgive again (forgive again)

Forgive again (forgive again)

Forgive again




















Blair -  vocal; Arden Jones - bgd. vocal; Rusty Speidel – acoustic and electric 12-string guitar; Calloway Jones – rhythm guitar; Freebo – bass and bgd. vocals; Nate Brown – drums; Bobby Read – organ, tambourine, bgd. vocal


Life can seem
A sea of dreams
You float serene
Until the waves start pounding

Then all you knew
Is lost from view
All you can do

Is to keep from drowning

So far away from home

But you are not alone


Believe you can
Rise up and stand
And see a brand new day

You can

Be clear,

Be real
Say what you feel
Begin to heal
You can

You will


Though your heart’s like lead

Don’t you hang your head

Have no dread

For tomorrow

This crooked track

Is no cul-de-sac

The way winds back out of sorrow

Day will follow night

Wrong will be made right


Believe you can
Rise up and stand
And see a brand new day

You can

Be clear,

Be real
Say what you feel
Begin to heal
You can

You will

You can

You must
Have faith

Have trust
Your soul will mend
You’ll sing again

This grief can’t kill

Can’t break your will

As long as you

Hold fast

And still…


Believe you can
Rise up and stand
And see a brand new day

You can

Be clear,

Be real
Say what you feel
Begin to heal
You will

You will


Believe you can
Rise up and stand
And see a brand new day

You can

Be clear,

Be real
Say what you feel
Begin to heal

You can

You will
You will

You will.



Rippling Waters

Blair -  pedal harp, voice; Madeline Falcone – violin; Bobby Read – clarinet, bass clarinet, bgd. vocal


Rippling waters, speak to me

Of summers come and gone

Wake my sleeping memory

Lead me home


Pleasures past and still to be

The sultry days so long

Rippling waters, speak to me

Of summers come and gone


Sailboats gliding silently

Outboard’s steady thrum

Wake my sleeping memory

Lead me home


Skiers clowning fearlessly

Bocce lost and won

Rippling waters, speak to me

Of summers come and gone


Swallows in the boathouse eaves

Cicadas monotone

Wake my sleeping memory

Lead me home


Breeze beneath the old beech tree

The red setting sun

Rippling waters, speak to me

Of summers come and gone


Evening’s moonlight revelry

And kayaks at dawn

Wake my sleeping memory

Lead me home


Mountain full of mystery

Heron’s raspy song

Rippling waters, speak to me

Of summers come and gone


Of love and laughter flowing free

The magic circle drawn

Wake my sleeping memory

Lead me home


For though the current’s pulling me

My anchor’s holding strong

Rippling waters, speak to me

Of summers come and gone

Wake my sleeping memory

Lead me home.




Recorded Nov. 2016-March 2017

Production, audio and arrangements by Bobby Read

Small World Music, Charlottesville, VA

All songs by Blair Jones 2017

You Will by Blair Jones and Freebo 2017